Payment & Refund Policy
Payment Methods
Checks should be made payable to Voyagers, Inc. and mailed to:
PO Box 1335
Westford, MA 01886
Payments can also be made online via PayPal.
Payment Is Due with Membership Renewal
Full payment includes Coop fee plus any outstanding balance on the member’s account. Members pay study group materials fees directly to the study group leader when applicable. Members pay outside-instructor fees directly to the outside instructor at the start of the new session when applicable. Do not include outside-instructor fees with your payment to Voyagers.
Payment Options
Voyagers members can pay in full or opt for our Payment Plan, which enables members to divide their full payment into no more than four equal bi-monthly payments, with the first payment sent with Membership Renewal or Application, and the remaining payments resulting in a paid-in-full balance before the end of term. Members who join or renew their membership after the membership renewal period has closed should contact the Treasurer to make arrangements for an amended payment plan.
In order for Voyagers members to renew memberships and select study groups, current balances need to be paid in full by the start of the membership renewal period, unless payment arrangements have been made with and documented by the Treasurer.
Scholarship funds may also be available. Any scholarship requests are made to, and approved by, the Scholarship Committee ( prior to the close of Membership Renewal. For more information about Voyagers Scholarship Policy and the application form, please see our Scholarship Policy.
We understand that sometimes a family’s circumstances or plans change after registration. Although full payment or a commitment to a payment plan is due with registration, partial refunds are possible until two weeks before a Voyagers term begins. Families who withdraw by notifying the Membership Coordinator at least two weeks prior to the beginning of a term may also email to request a partial refund for that term. Refund requests may not be processed until after the Add/Drop period ends – 2-3 weeks after a term begins.
Non-refundable fees
For the Coop Membership, $25 will be non-refundable.
Refundable fees
Study group leaders will be collecting materials fees from participants. If someone withdraws from a study group, any refund will be at the leader’s discretion, based on the types of materials purchased, whether someone will be taking the open seat, if they had to purchase in bulk or advance, etc. Study group leaders should make every effort to refund fees, if possible, based on the criteria above.
After your original registration paperwork has been submitted to the Membership Coordinator, any further changes to your study group enrollment should be arranged in accordance with the Registration and Add/Drop Policy.
Exceptions to the Refund Policy may be considered on a case-by-case basis. The decision of the Treasurer may be appealed to the Board of Directors. The decision of the Board of Directors is final.