
Scholarship Information

Voyagers, Inc. does not want financial circumstances to be a barrier to attending Coop. The Board of Directors believes that making membership accessible is an important value, to our community and to our mission as a 501(c)(3) philanthropic organization. Anyone in the Voyagers community may apply for a scholarship. Awards will be based upon financial need and availability of scholarship funds, and will be determined by the Scholarship Committee.

Our ability to fund scholarships is limited; scholarships are waivers of fees and reduce our revenue. If you are able to pay for any part of Voyagers membership fees, no matter how small, please indicate this on our scholarship application. Every amount that any member contributes helps us to keep our organization sustainable, and allows us to offer assistance to those who can’t afford to pay Coop fees, either in whole or in part.

The maximum scholarship amount for 2020/2021 is $75 per family, per term.

Voyagers Scholarship Policy

Scholarships do not cover any other fees including material’s fees or fees for outside instructors (when applicable). Scholarships are not available for Resource Center classes or Workshops as they are separate from the Coop study groups.

In evaluating financial need and determining the size of any award, the Scholarship Committee will use Massachusetts income data published online: Massachusetts State Median Income.

The eligibility threshold for Voyagers Scholarships will be set at 75% of the Yearly State Median Income by Family Size. Threshold values for 2019-2020 are detailed in the threshold table (figures rounded to nearest dollar).

How To Apply

To be considered, you must fill out an application and provide verification of family income. If you are uncertain about this, please contact the Voyagers Treasurer at Every effort will be made to keep any scholarship requests, awards, or refusals strictly confidential.

In order to assist as many families as possible, we ask that you indicate your level of need on the application form.

Applications may be mailed to Voyagers. Please put “Attn: Treasurer” on your envelope to help us keep the information confidential.

Please note: meeting the eligibility limit will not guarantee an award!

In addition, families with extenuating circumstances who do not meet the guidelines may be considered at the discretion of the committee.